Mastering the Art of Sales: How to Close Deals Without Being Pushy

closingsales levelupwithleila sales sales coach sales strategy sales tips salescoach Apr 26, 2023

What Is 'Pushy' Selling?

Pushy salespeople are characterized by their tendency to be aggressive and assertive. They don't take no for an answer, but instead push and pressure you into making a decision that you may not be comfortable with.
Pushy salespeople will often use tactics like:

  • Talking over you or cutting you off mid-sentence when you're trying to speak (and then ignoring what they said)

  • Pushing products on customers without listening to what they actually want or need

The best way to avoid being pressured into making a purchase is by setting firm boundaries around what kind of information the salesperson can share with you at any given time during the conversation. For example, if someone asks me if I have any questions about their product before they've finished explaining its features, I'll say something like "I'm sorry but could we wait until after we've talked about all these details? That way there won't be any surprises later down the line."

Understanding Your Customer

To be a good salesperson, you need to understand your customer. You can do this by recognizing their needs and wants, listening and empathizing with them, taking time to get to know them as individuals and not just as a potential sale.

If you don't take the time to learn about your customers' lives outside of business transactions--their hobbies or interests; what they like about working with you; what kind of music they listen to--you'll never truly understand them as people. This is one of the most important things when selling anything: understanding who exactly it is that's buying from you!

Developing a Sales Strategy

Developing a sales strategy is the process of creating a plan that outlines how your sales team will achieve its targets and objectives. A sales strategy should be based on a clear understanding of the company's overall business goals, target market, and competitive landscape. A well-crafted sales strategy will help you identify the key activities that will drive revenue growth, and provide a framework for measuring progress and success.

Setting Achievable Goals

Setting achievable goals is an essential component of any successful sales strategy. Goals should be specific, measurable, and realistic. They should also be aligned with the overall business objectives. When setting goals, it's important to consider factors such as market conditions, sales history, and available resources. By setting achievable goals, you can motivate your sales team and provide a clear direction for their efforts.

Understanding the Customer’s Buying Process

To develop an effective sales strategy, you must have a deep understanding of your customers' buying process. This involves identifying the different stages that customers go through when making a purchasing decision, including research, evaluation, and decision-making. By understanding the customer's buying process, you can tailor your sales approach to meet their specific needs and preferences. This can help you build stronger relationships with your customers and close more deals.

Building a Relationship with Your Customer

The first and most important step in the sales process is building a relationship with your customer.

Building a relationship with your customer is key to successful sales. It involves establishing trust, showing empathy, and delivering value. Building a relationship with your customer helps you understand their needs and goals, which can help you tailor your sales approach to meet those needs.

  • Establish trust by demonstrating that you care about their needs and goals, not just making a sale.

  • Show them that you understand their situation and can help them achieve their goals.

  • Deliver value by providing useful information or services free of charge (even if they don't buy anything from you).

Creating a Positive Experience

Creating a positive experience for your customers is a key factor in building a strong relationship and increasing sales. A positive experience can help you stand out from your competition and create loyal customers who are more likely to recommend your products or services to others. Here are some tips for creating a positive experience for your customers:

  • Offer Helpful Advice: Offering helpful advice is a great way to create a positive experience for your customers. By sharing your expertise and providing useful information, you can establish yourself as a trusted advisor and build trust with your customers. This can be achieved through blog posts, articles, videos, webinars, or social media posts. Make sure that the advice you provide is relevant and valuable to your customers, and avoid being overly promotional.

  • Be Honest and Transparent: Being honest and transparent is essential to creating a positive experience for your customers. Customers appreciate honesty and transparency, even if it means admitting to a mistake or a problem with your product or service. By being upfront and honest about any issues, you can demonstrate your commitment to your customers and build trust. This can also help you address any problems quickly and proactively, minimizing the negative impact on your customers.

  • Deliver Exceptional Customer Service: Delivering exceptional customer service is another important factor in creating a positive experience for your customers. This includes being responsive to their needs and concerns, providing timely and accurate information, and going above and beyond to resolve any issues they may have. Make sure that your customer service team is well-trained and empowered to handle any situation that may arise.

Presenting Your Offer

The best way to present your offer is by being clear and concise, understanding the customer's needs, and emphasizing the benefits.

  • Be clear: The first step in presenting your offer is making sure that you are speaking in a way that the customer can understand. If you are using technical jargon or talking too fast, they may not get it.

  • Be concise: You also want to make sure that when you do speak, it's only relevant information for them at that time--and nothing else! If there are things they don't need right now but might want later on down the line (like additional services), make sure those aren't included as part of this initial conversation so as not to confuse or overwhelm them with too many details all at once.*

  • Understand their needs: This goes hand-in-hand with being clear about what exactly it is that makes up this particular product/service package; if there are certain features or benefits missing from what they want then chances are good those could be added onto another package instead.

  • Emphasize benefits over features: People buy products based on how useful they will be rather than just because something sounds cool; so emphasize why this particular offering will help solve problems rather than listing off all its technical specs

Closing the Sale

Closing the sale is the ultimate goal of any sales strategy. It's the point where the customer commits to purchasing your product or service. Here are some tips for closing the sale effectively:

  • Handling Objections:

    Objections are a natural part of the sales process. Customers may have concerns or questions that need to be addressed before they make a purchase. Handling objections effectively is critical to closing the sale. Listen carefully to the customer's concerns and respond to them in a way that addresses their specific needs. Be prepared to provide evidence or data to support your claims and overcome any objections. It's important to remain calm and professional throughout the process and avoid getting defensive.

  • Providing Incentives:

    Providing incentives can be an effective way to close the sale. Incentives can include discounts, free trials, or other special offers that help persuade the customer to make a purchase. Make sure that the incentive is relevant to the customer's needs and preferences, and highlight the value that they will receive from the purchase.

  • Following Up:

    Following up after the sale is an important part of closing the sale. A follow-up call or email can help reinforce the customer's decision to purchase and address any questions or concerns that may have arisen since the sale. It's also an opportunity to thank the customer for their business and ask for feedback on their experience. Be sure to follow up in a timely manner and provide any additional support or information that the customer may need.

Post-Sale Follow-Up

After the sale, you should check in with customers to see how they're doing. This can be as simple as sending an email or text message asking how their product is working out for them. If it's not working out well, you can suggest some fixes or offer to take back the product for a refund or exchange.

If you want to go above and beyond your customer service duties, consider giving feedback on what could have been done better during the sales process so that you can improve upon it next time around. You could also ask them about any other products they might be interested in purchasing from you in the future--this will help build trust between both parties because it shows that both sides are invested in making sure this relationship continues moving forward (and hopefully turns into something long-term).


The key to selling without being pushy is to know when to ask for the sale. You want your customers to feel like they're making their own decisions, and that means not pressuring them into buying something they don't want or need.

If you can master these techniques, you'll find yourself with more sales than ever before!


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